Wasteland 2 out in August
In August, the much awaited sequel to Wasteland will be released upon the world by inXile and Brian Fargo.
The delay has been attributed to the expansion of the scope of the game from the original concept.
Fargo has stated that there are more features, more areas, more reactivity and more words, all thanks to the greater funding for the game and the time needed to finish it in his latest Kickstarter update.
The game is now feature complete and has the whole of the Arizona maps done and the main focus for the new few months lies with balancing, optimising, and squishing bugs.
The beta has been available since December and volunteers are being sought to help with localisation in Spanish, French, German and Italian. Persons who provide approved translation of over 250 strings will receive a digital copy of Wasteland 2 along with early beta access.