Krai Mira: Extended Cut Review
Post-apocalyptic games are everywhere, but the number of those that aim to recapture the style of the classics are next to few. Krai Mira: Extended Cut aims to do just that by offering an isometric RPG with a wealth of content. With a large world full of characters and story to uncover and followers to befriend, how well does the title hold up and can it capture the joy of those games it’s inspired by.
In the vein of the classic Fallout games, Krai Mira: Extended Cut brings the spirit of those games to life once more. With turn-based combat, action points and a wealth of items and skills the title is a good mix of RPG elements. You are able to build your character in a number of ways from skills and attributes to the gear they wear. That said though, you don’t have any options to create a character, will have to play as the default male avatar. Still, with the number of items available in the title you will find a good outfit to give him to wear through the wastelands.
Most of the gameplay within the title is done by clicking to walk to a location, talk to people and to progress through the game. Once you enter a combat situation you will find yourself spending action points to perform a number of actions. This will include movement, attacking, reloading and just about everything else you will perform. The turn-based nature of the game means that you have a chance to plan and act accordingly to your enemies. That said however there are problems with the combat that makes it somewhat difficult to make the most of the system.
The trouble with the combat in Krai Mira: Extended Cut is that you are given next to no information about your enemies. In most of the early encounters, I found myself having next to no trouble in fights. Maintaining a level of caution for the sake of sanity was proving to work however, for sometime I felt like I understood how to deal with the game. That was until out of the blue I get put into a fight with someone who just one shots me. This happened many times throughout my time with Krai Mira: Extended Cut and continuously felt unfair. I say unfair as the only information you are given is the amount of hit points a characters has, but that is not much to go on. Regardless of how careful or prepared you think you might be, there is always a chance that Krai Mira: Extended Cut will just throw an odd ball at you and royally screw you over.
One of the areas that Krai Mira: Extended Cut holds up well is in its visual style and graphics. Running on the Unity game engine, the game opens with the default Unity launcher but also has more detailed graphic options in-game. Though set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland there is a good attention to detail with characters, models and environments. The isometric view is satisfying and offers a lot of space to view the world, but sometimes seeing inside buildings can be a bit tricky. The quality of the visuals carries over to the audio within Krai Mira: Extended Cut, but there is a lack of variety within it. During your time with the title, you will find that the lack of audio doesn’t take from the experience. But it is a shame that more wasn’t included.
Moving onto the story of Krai Mira: Extended Cut, I can’t help but feel that this was one of the lesser developed parts of the title. The world is full of characters and locations, with a lot of dialog and information to discover. It’s in the pacing and the development of story points that feels off and lacking. Events happen rather quickly and events just roll onto each other. No sense of deeper world building or story development occurs beyond just moving your character forward through the world. It feels like a wasted chance to offer a much richer story telling experience within the game.
Krai Mira: Extended Cut is an interesting title that looks to deliver a game that feels similar in nature to the games of yesteryear. Though it ticks a number of boxes of this goal it falls short on a number of others. The end result is something that falls short of even been called a casual title due to the difficulties it has at conveying information and teaching players. There is a good base here for what could be a fantastic title, but it does need some more development to reach that point. As it stands however, Krai Mira: Extended Cut is a lightweight take of the classic post-apocalyptic RPG formula but is just that.
Krai Mira: Extended Cut (Reviewed on Windows)
Game is enjoyable, outweighing the issues there may be.
Krai Mira: Extended Cut is an interesting title that looks to deliver a game that feels similar in nature to the games of yesteryear. Though it ticks a number of boxes of this goal it falls short on a number of others. As it stands however, Krai Mira: Extended Cut is a lightweight take of the classic post-apocalyptic RPG formula but is just that.