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Developer Rockstar San Diego
Publisher Rockstar Games
Franchise Red Dead Redemption
Engine RAGE
Platform PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Add-ons/DLCs Red Dead Redemption: Legend and Killers DLC
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare DLC
Genre Third-person Shooter
Release Dates
18th May 2010 Xbox 360 — North America
18th May 2010 PlayStation 3 — North America
21st May 2010 Xbox 360 — Europe
21st May 2010 PlayStation 3 — Europe
Score 9½/10

What Christopher Wakefield thought:

9.50/10 9½

“ Rockstar Games has managed to create an immensely memorable and powerful gaming experience with a strong story and unparalleled sandbox gameplay. If you haven't experienced Red Dead Redemption yet, then you are truly missing out. Despite very occasional bugs popping up after extended playing sessions, this is a game with few flaws. Whilst it is admittedly similar to the Grand Theft Auto titles, from which it clearly gets much of its source material, the experience is a more streamlined and refined one. Put simply: Red Dead Redemption is a true modern gaming classic and one that you should definitely play sooner, rather than later. ”

Version reviewed: Xbox 360 Read the full review