Disaster Report Diaries (Raw Danger!) Part Eighteen
This is my exploration of the Disaster Report series where I will chronicle my playthrough like a text-based Let’s Play. Now let’s finish Raw Danger!...
Since Joshua’s Ending Type 1-B had him and Stephanie leaving in a helicopter on the 25th of January, (among other things) he wasn’t in the city to make it up to the media tower and accept the Data Disc from Jaden Bradford. But who was left in the city…?
It was the 26th of December at 05:23 (53 hours since Mayor Goldstein’s reception) at the Capitol Magazine office, where Keith Helm sat considering his gathered evidence. Something was missing, specifically a motive. So, he wanted to start from the beginning, in the file room.
Getting up, I picked up a Crowbar Compass from the desk and a Heating Pad from elsewhere in the office then went through a door marked File Storage. I picked up an issue of Capitol Weekly from January 1970, which posited a recent fire which engulfed Cascade Village wasn’t a wildfire, it was caused by the government because of a possible epidemic. I then nabbed a copy of the Capitol Post from December 1980, which had a feature on Gavin Goldstein. He grew up in Cascade Village, escaped the fire, had since become the director of the Goldstein hospital, and was awarded the Medical Advancement award.
With the information unlocked by those, I could begin to solve the puzzle of Gavin Goldstein’s motivation. It was literally a puzzle, made up of nine pieces, and realised that since Goldstein basically ran NorCal Pharmaceutical, he had created a deadly virus and planned to unleash it upon Del Ray city in retaliation for the government burning his sick village and covering it up. And Keith had told Sophia Briggs that she was overthinking things…
Realising the time, Keith decided to leave the office, idly wondering if Sophia had made it out. Since the elevator wasn’t working, I had to take the stairs — and I forgot to mention that Keith was using a crutch on his right side. Whatever had caused the injury, he had a bit of an issue when it came to running.
The water immediately outside the building was almost waist-deep, so I made my way to a footbridge where I found a Faucet Compass. Part of the bridge crumbled behind me as I walked along, and I had to dodge a flying billboard at the far end. What I found on the floor was more disconcerting — a large pool of blood, along with a trail leading away. I had to follow the trail, since there wasn’t any other way to go, and I managed to dodge two more billboards. Not that I had time to be too happy with myself, as the water began to rise!
Hurrying into the mall, and realising that this was where Joshua had been in the other ending, I made my way around and up the escalators as quickly as the bum leg would carry me. The water didn’t seem to be rising as quickly as it did for Joshua, but I kept going and ignored two things that I could have picked up, to keep ahead of the water. Though, I did grab a Heating Pad and a First Aid Kit that I got close to, and had to use both of my Heating Pads to ensure I kept moving as quickly as possible!
The floor gave way, as I expected it to, and of course a massive ship came crashing through on the level above me, the shock of which knocked me to the floor. But, I kept going and made it to the ship, then dodged the sleigh, reached “safety”, and picked up another Heating Pad.
I was about halfway across the covered bridge connecting the two buildings when a tremor broke it in half. Since I couldn’t run, I had to grab hold of a rail and inch along, barely reaching the other side before the rest of the bridge fell into the water.
Out on the roof, I followed the blood trail to Jaden Bradford, who handed me the Data Disc with information on how to destroy Echidna. I spoke to him again, and he handed me a First Aid Kit, too. After warming up at the barrel fire, I began the laborious walk up a bunch of media tower staircases, then the ladders. I used my Heating Pad to stall the cold and wound up using a First Aid Kit too, but I found another one on one of the levels.
At the very top, the tower began to crumble, and I managed to grab hold of the mast in the centre. Keith considered the fact that nobody knew he was there, so there probably wasn’t a rescue helicopter, when suddenly Sophia called out as the chopper she was in rose up out of nowhere! I figured I’d have to write a story about this, then grabbed the ladder.
After an epilogue which summarised events, I received Ending Type 7-A, which stated that I had travelled 22 miles and warmed up 24 times across 4:34:35, with my Pedometer Compass saying over 14,468.
This is such a good game. While I’d love a remake of SOS: The Final Escape, I’d push that one out of the way for Raw Danger!. I thought that it would be swapping between characters, rather than each one having a complete story to tell. And after the plot of the first game, I assumed that it would be revealed that Mayor Goldstein was behind the flood, not a whole scheme to create and unleash a deadly virus!
A part of me is honestly hoping that we discover what would have happened if Ivan had teamed up with Goldstein in the third game… But I guess we’ll see. It’s a pretty big plot hole to leave alone, honestly.
Of course, there were some other plot holes, the stated times being basically meaningless, and the game was poorly translated in some areas, but that didn’t stop my overall enjoyment. For instance, the wrong name being used, “to” instead of “too”, double spaces, that access card image that didn’t get edited with the new company name…
And some of the acting was just bad, like when Steph was trying to rouse her dying mother and said “excuse me” like she was getting a waiter’s attention. Or Kelly emphasising “us” when she said “What are the chances of the two of us working together” to a student, who one would think she should assume she’ll be working with at any given point.
The biggest plot hole for me is why was Sierra looking for Ivan in the first place? She knew where David, her boyfriend, lived and had barely even met Ivan according to his diary. I can buy that she was very upset that Ivan died, because he was a final link to her boyfriend, and they’d spent 10 hours in a raft chasing a container.
But the good outweighs the bad, and one really interesting feature was the whole Jasper and recycling bin “inventory” thing. You never know when something might come in useful, but you also never want to throw things away. At least, I don’t. So having to pick and choose what you leave behind, hoping it might come in useful for another character, is fascinating.
The way that each of these different characters indirectly interacts with one another is also really well done. Unfortunately, it’s given me really high hopes for Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3: Kowareyuku Machi to Kanojo no Uta, the next game I’ll be playing through. But before that, I wanted to put the timeline of events in Raw Danger!, as per the time given in-game, down in order…
- 24th December 2010, at 12:13 Amber arrives at her brother’s apartment
- 24th December at 14:06 and the Geo City gala is underway
- 24th December at 14:17 Amber is in jail
- 24th December at 14:20 Isaac leaves the convenience store for Downtown Area
- 24th December at 15:01 Isaac picks up Sophia then arrives at the police station
- 24th December at 16:02 Isaac and Sophia reach David’s apartment
- 24th December at 16:05 Amber arrives in Downtown Area after escaping jail
- 24th December at 16:16 Joshua and Steph escape Geo City and rat out Amber
- 24th December at 16:16 Isaac and Sophia arrive at NorCal Pharmaceutical
- 24th December at 18:23 Joshua and Steph make their way to the train station, then catch the bus
- 24th December at 18:30 Amber meets Aidan
- 24th December at 20:48 Amber and Aidan arrive in Hudson Tunnel area and rescue Ivan
- 24th December at 22:18 Amber and Aidan reach David’s apartment
- 24th December at 22:58 Joshua and Steph on the bus arrive at West Junction Area
- 25th December at 02:14 Amber and Aidan reach Angelina Area, Sierra asks if they know Ivan
- 25th December at 09:26 Isaac and Jaden are on their way to Cascade Dam
- 25th December at 11:03 Isaac and Jaden arrive at Cascade Dam
- 25th December at 11:07 Joshua reaches the Historic Rest Area
- 25th December at 11:40 Amber and Aidan reach Cascade Dam
- 25th December at 12:17 Ivan has awoken and left Downtown with Sierra, arriving at David’s apartment
- 25th December at 14:09 Paige wakes in the locker
- 25th December at 15:11 Isaac and Jaden drive past Del Ray High School
- 25th December at 17:02 Paige and Kelly enter the gym
- 25th December at 17:31 Joshua catches up with Steph in the East Junction Area
- 25th December at 18:21 Ivan and Sierra reach Angelina Area and his apartment
- 25th December at 18:35 Isaac and Jaden arrive back at NorCal and save Sophia
- 25th December at 18:43 Joshua and Steph arrive in Angelina Area (unless they leave for Ending 1-B)
- 25th December at 20:15 Ivan and Sierra reach Del Ray High School
- 25th December at 23:53 Isaac drops off Sophia and Jaden in Del Ray Station Area
- 26th December at 05:12 Joshua and Steph arrive in the Mission Care Center Area
- 26th December at 05:23 Keith puts the puzzle together
- 26th December at 07:30 Joshua and Steph arrive at the circus and see Steph’s stepmother
- 26th December at 10:14 Ivan and Sierra finally catch up with the Echidna container
- 26th December at 10:40 Joshua and Steph cross the elevated train tracks in Central Geo District
- 26th December at 15:13 Joshua and Steph reach the train station, and Mr. McMurrough.
- 26th December at 16:21 Ivan and Sierra reach the electrical substation
All of the times make sense as overlapping events, unless you really think about chasing that container for 10 hours, leaving someone to drown for 12 hours, and walking for the best part of 20 hours… No wonder Steph collapsed, she hadn’t slept for three days…
So, join me next time for Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3: Kowareyuku Machi to Kanojo no Uta!