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Disaster Report Diaries (Raw Danger!) Part Sixteen

Disaster Report Diaries (Raw Danger!) Part Sixteen

This is my exploration of the Disaster Report series where I will chronicle my playthrough like a text-based Let’s Play. Now let’s continue Raw Danger!...

It was the 25th of December at 12:17 (22 hours since Mayor Goldstein’s reception) when we arrived in the Discovery Heights area. We rowed up to a ramp and went up to the fourth-floor apartment of David Brazil. Someone in a lab coat ran out and asked what we were doing there, before telling me that my research had caused the “worse case scenario” to come true.

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The woman asked who she called Doctor Spritz what he meant, and he recognised her as David’s girlfriend. He gave his condolences and said that David deserved to die. She asked why, and Spritz told her to ask me, as “this mess” was all David’s and my fault. Spritz then changed his tone, saying that it was good that he ran into me, as “the container” had drifted out to the high school. He was running out there to check it out, so I had to stay at the apartment and find a way to destroy “Echidna”.

He ran off, telling me to meet him there. I unlocked the memory fragments of Echidna and Research, then asked who that was, what was in the container, what Echidna meant, and where the school was. Spritz was mine and David’s mentor who left NorCal Pharmaceutical after David joined. She couldn’t answer the other two “what”s, but said the high school was probably in the Union District.

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Inside the wrecked apartment, I warmed up at the stove, then picked up a Satchel (which had the same storage as my Emergency Pack but looked better), some Dress Shoes, and a Parka. In the bedroom, David’s laptop was locked, but the woman knew the password and we read through emails that I had seemingly sent to David. Echidna was being transported on 24th December, but I wasn’t going to be present as I had prior arrangements. David was to destroy everything about Echidna, but I had backups at my apartment. Apolon would be pleased by our ability to manufacture enough Echidna to execute our plan. This unlocked the memory fragment of Apolon.

The woman asked if I had remembered anything, but I told her we needed to get the Echidna information from my apartment. Luckily, she remembered where I lived, and we got back on the Air Mattress. Some rapids propelled us down the street, but we managed to row to safety before we launched off into some rough water in a sinkhole. We debarked and packed away the Air Mattress on the back of a truck, then found a Snowman Compass and a Samurai Compass on a footbridge, then changed into some Sweat Pants I found before warming up at a barrel fire on a broken bridge.

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We shared a Geo Treat, then I checked out the truck parked nearby and grabbed a Heating Pad from behind it. Inside the trailer was someone stealing jewellery, so I told them to evacuate twice, both times she said she was hungry, so I gave her Chicken Broth I had left. She wanted to know why, so I told her I wasn’t trying to do anything, which she didn’t believe. The woman took that as a cue to enter the trailer, so I told her to come closer, figuring that she could talk sense — but the thief snapped and my partner decided to leave.

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The thief said I could do much better, and should date her instead. Since I wasn’t dating my partner, I agreed, and was gifted with a Large Diamond! I took my leave and decided to get the Air Mattress out, on the other side of the bridge. We rowed through a hole in a building, barely missing getting struck by falling furniture. Then we had to outrow a falling building, which almost collapsed on us!

It was the 25th of December at 18:21 (28 hours since Mayor Goldstein’s reception) when we arrived in Saint Vincent District, the Angelina Area where I knew that Joshua and Steph were. I lived nearby and said that a building looked familiar, so we crossed over a metal plank as some tremors rocked the ground. As the woman was crossing, the road collapsed, trapping her at the bottom of a hole! I hurried down to speak to her, and she was trapped but unhurt, so I ran back up to the road and towards the diner where Joshua and Steph were.

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After getting Steph into the diner, I led Joshua back to my partner, and we freed her. I was getting too cold to run quickly, so I used a Heating Pad and hurried up the road, quickly arriving at the apartment. We entered and found quite a nice place, but there was nowhere to warm up which concerned me. In one room I found a diary and a computer, and in another room, there was a Candle Compass.

The diary had several entries, the first was 20th of April, detailing David joining the team. 23rd of July had compliments about David, and the 14th of August suggested that Ivan and David had grown into good friends. Also, Ivan had met David’s girlfriend and remembered nothing about her. The next day, an issue at the lab had caused the Echidna samples to die, which was explained on the 17th of August that the virus was vulnerable to electricity. This unlocked several memory fragments, and I took Kozlov’s Log.

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Emails on the computer from Apolon suggested that once the container was at the Cascade Dam on Christmas Eve that I should get out of the country. While I wasn’t sure how easy that would be on Christmas Eve, perhaps the amnesiac Ivan had thought ahead. More memory fragments were unlocked, and I put together that I was a researcher of a deadly virus named Echidna, working for a man named Apolon with David Brazil, but quite who Apolon was still evaded me…

I explained things briefly to the mystery woman, describing Echidna as “exciting”. I did call it a “dreadful container” though, unlocking some memory fragments of my personality. With that researched, we set off for the high school…

Disaster Report Diaries
Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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