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Fanatical's New Showcase Bundle 2 Is Out Now

Fanatical's New Showcase Bundle 2 Is Out Now

Fanatical's Summer Sale may have already started, but that doesn't mean that the company is stopping with its new bundle releases! This time around, the classic Showcase Bundle 2 features five games you can get for just a few pounds each. Unlike Build Your Own bundles, this one gives you the opportunity to get everything from one purchase — check out the details below!

Price: 5 games for £5.49 / $5.49 / €5.49

And here are the games that you can get for your purchase

For just $5.49, you can get $89.95 worth of titles! This is a great opportunity for you to grow your Steam library with a bunch of titles to check out whilst also not digging holes into your pockets. If you do decide to pick up the bundle, we'd appreciate it if you used our link to support GameGrin!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Staff Writer

Writes in her sleep, can you tell?