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Invites For a Titanfall Technical Test Appear - Respawn's Twitter Goes Insane

Invites For a Titanfall Technical Test Appear - Respawn's Twitter Goes Insane

A number of EA Origin account holders have claimed to receive invites to small stress test for upcoming Respawn Entertainment title, Titanfall on the Xbox One.

A screenshot has appeared on Twitter of an invitation which states:

Congratulations you have been selected to take part in an exclusive trial for an upcoming title on Microsoft's Xbox One.

Interested account holders are then asked to click the register button to proceed.

The registration link allegedly redirects users to an alpha application login page for Titanfall. Players who have received this very limited email claim once registered they got the following message.

Your application to participate is complete. If you are selected to take part in our upcoming test, you will receive an email in the coming days with a unique code and instructions on how to download and access the game on Xbox One.

Respawn have been fire fighting ever since fending off questions from hundreds of fans about how they can get into what many of them wrongly believe is Titanfall beta. Respawn have repeated over and over that there is no beta right now and this is simply a very limited technical server test.

Despite this announcement disgruntled players are still inundating Respawn with questions about the test and they are fending them off left right and centre. Reading through Twitter it seems the test is a small stress test on the servers closest to Respawns office. It has also been stated that the test is considered and Alpha and as such is under an NDA.

If you want to follow the fun and find out when the real beta comes out (assuming it does, Respawn have been quick to make no promises) you can find Respawn on Twitter.

Helen Ashcroft

Helen Ashcroft

News Specialist

Writer of randomness and maker of films Helen AKA Jetgirl lives with her hubby and 3 kids who support her gaming habit.

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