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Mega Man Board Game Successfully Funded

Mega Man Board Game Successfully Funded

The Kickstarter for a Capcom licensed Mega Man board game is now over and the project has been successfully funded earning over $400,000 from backers, easily clearing its goal of $70,000.

Regarding the upcoming board game, Jasco Games made the following statement on their Kickstarter page: 

Destined to grace tabletops everywhere, the board game takes the classic formula that made the original Blue Bomber so memorable and transfers it to a whole new arena.  

With the initial $70,000 goal cleared so easily Jasco Games were able to reach a large number of their stretch goals. As a result Kickstarter backers were able to unlock extras such as bonus cards, extra characters and coloured pieces. 

You can get all the information available on the project by visiting the Kickstarter page



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Hater of everything you love, also wears a hoodie at all times to hide how fat he truly is.

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