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Star Trek Online Announces Delta Recruitment Event

Star Trek Online Announces Delta Recruitment Event

Good news has arrived on Star Trek Online - a great jump on point for newbies!

If you've been put off by the fact the game has been running for several years, and don't think you can get into the storyline, then this month-long Delta Recruitment event will set you straight. Because if you start a Delta recruit, you get a whole host of benefits, starting 2nd April until 21st May.

Long time player and jealous of the benefits newbies will get? Well have a free character slot, on Cryptic, for a Delta recruit. And don't worry about your existing characters, they will receive some rewards too as you level up your Delta.

Now for some details:

The new storyline is based around the Iconian War. The Iconians have returned and want to rule the galaxy, so Starfleet, the Klingons and the Romulans have kicked up recruitment efforts. Delta recruits are approached by a time traveller and given specific tasks to help fend off the Iconians.

Here's the official spiel:

Delta Recruits will be playing a parallel story to that of their chosen faction. They have a list of goals that they can achieve at any time, and completing these goals will see them rewarded with equipment, Marks, and other rewards beneficial not just to the Delta Recruit, but to all characters on the same account. Completing the story arcs of your chosen faction will reward you with a unique Starship Trait for all characters on your account: Temporal Insight. This trait will proc a Damage Immunity when you use any Hull Heal on your starship.

Delta Recruits can only be created during the Delta Recruit event. These recruits can be recognized by the Delta Symbol (∆) next to their names. All Delta Recruits will have an inherent bonus trait during the Delta Recruit Event of generating Dilithium Ore upon defeating enemies, a bonus which extends to your entire group. This trait will only be available during this event and will be gone once the Delta Recruitment event ends, so gather your Dilithium Ore while you can!

Additional rewards are gained by leveling up, playing through story content up through the Breen story arc, and finding special Delta Recruit objectives on certain mission maps. Many of the same things that players do while levelling their characters will earn Delta Recruits improved rewards!

star trek online delta recruitment2

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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