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Valve Outline Future Plans For Steam - More Currencies, Less Greenlight

Valve Outline Future Plans For Steam - More Currencies, Less Greenlight

The Steam Dev Days conference have been a hotbed of news.

Valve have announced plans to offer native currency support to Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, The Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Turkey, Ukraine and Norway.

This move almost triples the amount of currencies currently supported by PC Gaming Platform Steam. This will allow Steam to extend into new countries and further grow it's already huge database of 75million users.

In Steam Greenlight news all we really have so far is this tantalising quote

which is said to be quote from Gabe Newell at the conference.

No further news is available on Steam Greenlight at this time but it has been speculated that Steam intend to greenlight more games without the need for the current system and then allow peer-to-peer recommendation system to generate interest in new titles.

Helen Ashcroft

Helen Ashcroft

News Specialist

Writer of randomness and maker of films Helen AKA Jetgirl lives with her hubby and 3 kids who support her gaming habit.

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