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Hearthstone Updates Incoming

Hearthstone Updates Incoming

In a post by Zeriyah it has been revealed that Blizzard are making changes to the following cards: Unleash the Hounds, Sylvanas Windrunner, Blood Imp, Defender of Argus, Pyroblast, Dark Iron Dwarf, Abusive Sergeant, Warsong Commander, Charge and Novice Engineer.

As usual expert cards that are being changed can be disenchanted for their full cost for a limited time when the patch goes live. The changes are as follows:

Unleash the Hounds’ mana cost is now 2 (down from 4)

Pyroblast’s mana cost is now 10 (up from 8)

Blood Imp is now a 0/1 and now reads: Stealth. At the end of your turn, give another random friendly minion +1 Health.

Warsong Commander has been reworked and now reads: Whenever you play a minion with 3 or less Attack, give it Charge.

Charge (the spell, not the keyword) has been reworked and now costs 3 mana. The card’s new power reads: “Give a friendly minion +2 Attack and Charge”.

Abusive Sergeant now reads: Battlecry: Give a minion +2 Attack until end of turn.

Dark Iron Dwarf’s buff now only lasts until the end of the turn.

Defender of Argus is now a 2/3 (down from 3/3)

Novice Engineer is now a 1/1 (down from 1/2)

Sylvanas Windrunner’s mana cost is now 6 (up from 5)

For more information on the reasons behind the changes check out the blue post.


Helen Ashcroft

Helen Ashcroft

News Specialist

Writer of randomness and maker of films Helen AKA Jetgirl lives with her hubby and 3 kids who support her gaming habit.