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Rockstar Improves Anti-Cheat Measures In Grand Theft Auto V Online Mode

Rockstar Improves Anti-Cheat Measures In Grand Theft Auto V Online Mode

Rockstar have announced the release of GTAV Title Update 1.09. This latest update for the popular Grand Theft Auto V addresses issues with in-game cash and reputation point exploits.

GTA Online allows players to purchase in-game cash via a store as well as earning it by completing tasks. Rockstar regularly sweeps the servers to catch cheats and modders who try to gain the currency via other means.

To keep the gameplay environment as fair as possible for legitimate players, we routinely do sweeps to separate out cheaters and modders, and to reverse any illegitimate transactions.  These sweeps are based on in-game automated detection, examination of suspicious gameplay statistics, and also manually-reviewed evidence submitted by the Community.  If you were not engaged in any willful cheating or exploiting yourself, you do not need to worry about getting caught up in our work to separate out cheaters from the rest of the population.

- Rockstar Support, Rockstar Games

This latest update fixes some exploitable bugs and helps prevent cheating and hacking, good news for legitimate players everywhere.

Helen Ashcroft

Helen Ashcroft

News Specialist

Writer of randomness and maker of films Helen AKA Jetgirl lives with her hubby and 3 kids who support her gaming habit.

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