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Rumour: Steam Stats Page Shows String of Unreleased Titles

Rumour: Steam Stats Page Shows String of Unreleased Titles

Yesterday Steam users checking the stats page noticed a change in the list of top games. Instead of the usual array of popular titles mixed with a few sleeper hits and the odd thing you've never heard of they saw their hopes and dreams.

It appears to be a top games list of a Steam developer. The list includes things you may expect to find developers playing like upcoming games South Park: Stick of Truth and Total War: Rome II. It also includes small projects and alphas such as Stonehearth

The things which have sent ripples of excitement through the gaming community are the games that are much wanted but yet to be announced such as Killing Floor 2. There are also a huge number of people putting on their tinfoil hats and speculating as to what Super Secret Project 1 and SD Project Gamma are.

You can see the full list below.



So what do you think? Is this really a sneak peek of what's to come? Can we expect to see Killing Floor 2 this year? Is Super Secret Project 1 really Half-Life 3? Get your tinfoil hat on and head to the comments.

Helen Ashcroft

Helen Ashcroft

News Specialist

Writer of randomness and maker of films Helen AKA Jetgirl lives with her hubby and 3 kids who support her gaming habit.

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