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Valve Tries to Avoid Future Early Access Misery

Valve Tries to Avoid Future Early Access Misery

There have been a few Early Access games that didn't pan out. It's the nature of the business - games are met with delays, staff leaving or the company deciding to go in another direction. It happened to Patterns recently.

So Valve have taken to the Early Access developer's guidelines with a red felt tip, as first spotted by Giant Bomb.

There are several amendments, which we will detail below, but it amounts to "Don't promise what you can't deliver". Unfortunately these are guidelines and not set in stone rules, meaning developers can feel free to ignore them. Though we doubt Steam will look favourably on their subsequent titles, if that's the case.

Here are the new guidelines:

Don't launch in Early Access if you can't afford to develop with very few or no sales.
There is no guarantee that your game will sell as many units as you anticipate. If you are counting on selling a specific number of units to survive and complete your game, then you need to think carefully about what it would mean for you or your team if you don't sell that many units. Are you willing to continue developing the game without any sales? Are you willing to seek other forms of investment?

Make sure you set expectations properly everywhere you talk about your game.
For example, if you know your updates during Early Access will break save files or make the customer start over with building something, make sure you say that up front. And say this everywhere you sell your Steam keys.

Don't launch in Early Access without a playable game.
If you have a tech demo, but not much gameplay yet, then it's probably too early to launch in Early Access. If you are trying to test out a concept and haven't yet figured out what players are going to do in your game that makes it fun, then it's probably too early. You might want to start by giving out keys to select fans and getting input from a smaller and focused group of users before you post your title to Early Access. At a bare minimum, you will need a video that shows in-game gameplay of what it looks like to play the game. Even if you are asking customers for feedback on changing the gameplay, customers need something to start with in order to give informed feedback and suggestions.

Don't launch in Early Access if you are done with development.
If you have all your gameplay defined already and are just looking for final bug testing, then Early Access isn't the right place for that. You'll probably just want to send out some keys to fans or do more internal playtesting. Early Access is intended as a place where customers can have impact on the game.

Do you think this will change Early Access titles?
Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.