Star Trek: Elite Force II Diaries Part Six
This is my exploration of Star Trek: Elite Force II where I will chronicle my playthrough like a text-based Let’s Play. Now let’s continue Star Trek: Elite Force II…
Lieutenant Munro’s personal log, supplemental. We had travelled to Viok Epsilon V to discover the origin of what we now knew to be Exomorphs, and I was on my way to save one of their creators…
Heading down a long way on an elevator, I was immediately attacked by Exomoprhs and turrets! If that wasn't enough, later on, as I approached a door, I had even more of the creatures attack me! This all came to a head when what I thought was more of them making noises, turned out to be the biggest Exomorph so far, at least the size of a large man! Admittedly, it died quite easily...
After activating a bridge control to lower a section for me to cross, another one of the big creatures smashed through a wall! Just as I thought that this was becoming a habit, some nearby doors opened and I found Krindo, the person I had been sent to find. He had been injured, but apparently not badly enough to want to shut things down. When I asked how long it would take, he reckoned six hours to turn everything off safely, but only two hours to fix the behaviour regulators that had caused them to turn deadly. So I blew it up.
Returning to the ship, I had eliminated 370 hostiles with 36% accuracy. Once aboard, I convened in the conference room with the three Idryll scientists, Cpt. Picard, and En. Murphy. They argued that they should be allowed to make more Exomorphs to function as workers for their species and the Attrexians, while we argued that the killer creatures might not be controllable. So, they changed tactics and started to suggest that their findings proved the Attrexians had subjugated their species, and that we were aiding them in upholding the lie.
While Murphy denied the claim, Picard switched gears from their rights to those of the Exomorphs. He said that Starfleet would have to determine if they were sentient lifeforms, and would so be afforded rights. Without further ceremony, he dismissed the Idryll to be confined to their assigned quarters, and once they were out of the room he addressed me. Since Kleeya credited me with saving Krindo, I was to speak with her and see how cooperative she could be.
Heading to the turbolift, I went down to Hazard crew quarters, as she was apparently in one of the guest rooms there, rather than the ones usually reserved for guests. First, however, I went in En. Tompson’s unlocked quarters and stole a floating starship from the middle of his floor.
Kleeya invited me in, so I dove right into questioning her about her research, which had apparently been instrumental in activating the machinery in the ruins. She claimed that Krindo had activated it by himself and it was all she and her father could do to escape, leaving him in the laboratory by himself. When I asked what she would do with her research if it was proven the ruins were not created by the Idryll, she said that she would publish her findings proudly. I made a comment about her being a passionate scientist, and she began flirting with me and talking about how she wished that I could see her homeworld from space. So, I invited her to Stellar Cartography so I could do just that.
Once in the large room, I allowed her to bring up her homeworld, known to the Attrexians as Vazbadge VII. She explained that she left home to join the archaeology expedition while she was still an adolescent, so I was curious how she gained her doctorate, or whether her being introduced to us as “Doctor Kleeya” was just so we didn’t underestimate her intelligence because she was wearing a bikini and sarong.
Returning the favour, I brought up Sol III for her to see. While telling her about Vermont, Tuvok summoned me to the bridge, so I headed for the turbolift, allowing Kleeya to be escorted back to her quarters by a security officer.
Arriving on the bridge, Picard was talking to an Attrexian about the Idryll we had on board, and was offering to beam them over. The Attrexian refused, telling us to just release them, despite the death and damage they had caused. Despite its significance as a scientific and cultural find, the Attrexians were going to destroy the Exomorph facility from orbit, and since we were outside of Federation space there was nothing that Picard could do about it. And while he wanted to hold the Idryll for their part in the attack on the USS Dallas, the Attrexian warned that it would be seen as a propaganda victory by the Idryll separatists. Apparently, as would allowing the Idryll to recover the artefacts they had discovered, or in the Attrexian’s words, counterfeited, on the planet.
Picard ordered the Idryll be released, and Tuvok and I went down to the shuttlebay to see them off, as we had their shuttle on board. Krindo and Kleeya bickered about their research, before being talked down by their third member, though Krindo said something cryptic and sinister: “Yes, the work awaits…”
Kleeya asked Tuvok that she be allowed to remain aboard, to help us study the Exomorph remains. Tuvok confirmed with Picard, who readily agreed and welcomed her to Enterprise. Krindo threatened that we would regret allowing her to stay aboard, so I told him to get lost.
Lieutenant Munro’s personal log, Stardate 57047.3. We had spent the past day or so effecting repairs on the USS Dallas, and had rendered it warp-capable, so it was on its way to Starbase 12. Some time after it left, we received a distress call from an Attrexian colony on Taravar VII, and Picard gave me, Chell and Jurot a briefing just to say that we were going to help them.
Korban contacted me to say that there was a new weapon for me to test out, so I headed to Deck 8. He had been making adjustments to the standard grenade launcher and wanted me to give it a try and see if we would use it on our next mission, so I went into the holodeck and blew up some holograms. Despite Korban saying it was improved, it was now missing the sticky grenade function, which I had found quite useful in the past…
Lieutenant Munro’s personal log, Stardate 57060.2. For some reason it took us five days to respond to the distress call, at least according to the ship chronometer. Sensors reported Exomorphs were swarming the planet, so I was to lead a team down to the surface and restore power to the planetary defence grid. However, before I could leave the bridge, three Idryll ships arrived in orbit and contacted us to say they were there to render aid. The type of aid that would mean sending down three ship’s worth of security officers, which Picard said should cede authority to me and they agreed.
Assembling my team of Korban, Chang, and Jurot in the transporter room, no sooner had our shields dropped to beam us out, as the Idryll ships opened fire on us! Enterprise was rocked with explosions and various systems knocked offline. We received a hail from Krindo, who complained that we had taken his most prized possession, so he was sending boarding parties to take Picard’s. The captain summoned me to the bridge, and told me to bring him a rifle…