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The 8 Best Online Tabletop Games

The 8 Best Online Tabletop Games

Tabletop games have been a beloved pastime for millions of people for decades. Whether you’re into a fun (or not-so-fun) game of Monopoly, a breezy afternoon of Ludo, or a multi-month D&D adventure, playing these online games will take the enjoyment to a new level.

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If you want to play table games online, one of the best places to start is Codenames. The game has become immensely popular since its introduction in 2015 due to its simplicity but massive replayability. In simple terms, two teams face a grid of words, each with a spymaster. The spymaster’s job is to guide their team to choose the words that will earn them points, but they can only use one-word clues. It’s a fun and challenging game for all ages and group sizes.

Catan Universe

It’s no surprise that online Catan is almost as popular as the tabletop version. The trading and resource-gathering game has been virtually copied and pasted into an online format, with a free version and multiple expansions available. The game requires players to create roads and build settlements to earn victory points. You need resources to do this. However, since you can’t gather them all yourself, you need to trick and manipulate opponents to help you out — it’s easy to learn but challenging to master. Catan is a mainstay in the tabletop game world.

Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride is similar to Catan, but instead of using resources to link towns, you use your secret cards to finish your railway. Played on maps of North America, Europe, India, and many other areas, Ticket to Ride has been a favorite among tabletop gamers for almost two decades. The online version gives you access to a wide variety of maps and expansions. There are also spin-offs that bring in features like ferries and tunnels, adding a new level of play and strategy.

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Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons — one of the most famous tabletop games ever to exist — is a fantasy adventure game that will have you conquering mazes, defeating enemies, saving those in need, and leading your squad to victory. The online versions of this game are basic, but you can create a massive and detailed world to play in. Maps are customizable, and there are endless options for gameplay and scenarios.


On the surface, the tile-placement game of Carcassonne may look complicated to learn and play, but there’s a reason why it constantly makes appearances in board game collections. On a basic level, it’s a land ownership game where players fight to control as much land and as many landmarks as possible. Played by two to five players, a game can take anywhere between 30 and 45 minutes to complete. It is fast-paced and cut-throat, and you’ll often feel the same anger and frustration you get from the next game on our list.


Monopoly needs no introduction. If you’ve played it, you’ve experienced the joy of seeing an opponent land on one of your hotels or the sadness of handing over your last bit of money. However, the online version of the game is relatively unique compared to the tabletop equivalent. Depending on the version you play (as there are multiple), you can enjoy different modes and ways to play or access “power-ups” that will make your opponent's day even worse.


Risk is arguably one of the most popular strategy tabletop games around. Players use their armies to fight for territory and defend against invaders, with the winner being the one who controls the world. It’s another fairly simple game to learn and understand. The challenge of Risk is not to be too greedy but rather to be clever with your troops. You’ll want to ensure that you’re taking land without losing what you’ve already taken. Games can take hours to finish, and with the addition of some sneaky treaties that can be made, the metaphorical fists can start flying at any point.

Magic: The Gathering Arena

Magic: The Gathering has been a leader in the tabletop and collectible card game world for many years now. It is a game that requires tremendous amounts of strategy and brain-power, and with the plethora of card and deck varieties, no two games are ever the same. The Arena version of the game is perfect for those just starting or who don’t have the budget for decks — decks are made available for free, and booster packs and additional cards can be won through completing challenges. While you can play with your friends online, you can also play against strangers and compete in tournaments to win rare and valuable cards.

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There you have it: these are eight of the best online tabletop games you can play right now, no matter where your friends or family are. Considering many are free or at least have the base game freely available, this is the perfect opportunity to play new games and put your skills to the test.

Link Sano

Link Sano

Staff Writer

Has a passion for simulators

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