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Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 Free on Origin

EA's classic 2000 sequel to Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 is currently being offered free to users of their Origin digital distribution platform for a limited time.

The game and its expansion Yuri's Revenge are both being offered sans payment as part of EA's "On the House" scheme which gives games and expansions away in a limited fashion as flash sales. There's no timescale listed so anyone wanting to take advantage of their generosity will want to get in fast before it finishes.

This marks the 15th game that EA have released as part of the scheme which has previously featured such classics as SyndicatePeggle and Dragon Age: Origins To get your copy, pop along to Origin's website, or find it in the Origin client.

Unfortunately, as with several past titles, users in France will be unable to get Command & Conquer Red Alert 2, they are being offered Theme Hospital again, due to there being no native French version of Red Alert 2. Of course, you can use a region proxy service to obtain the other title, depending on which you are missing from your collection.


Gary "Dombalurina" Sheppard

Staff Writer

Gary maintains his belief that the Amstrad CPC is the greatest system ever and patiently awaits the sequel to "Rockstar ate my Hamster"

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Hamiltonious - 12:39pm, 16th September 2015

Unable to comply, building in progress.

Acelister - 02:59pm, 16th September 2015

Red Alert was where I first learned what a tesla coil was.

steve.arnold.33 - 08:11pm, 16th September 2015

Looking for Command & Conquer Red Alert™ 2 and Yuri’s Revenge™?

  • Wow, you guys are loving Command & Conquer Red Alert™ 2 and Yuri’s Revenge™ On the House! The demand is so high that we need some time to cool down our servers. Command & Conquer Red Alert™ 2 and Yuri’s Revenge™ will return to on the house very shortly. Thanks for being patient!
Acelister - 08:15pm, 16th September 2015

It's probably the most popular game they've had on there. They're not used to the bandwidth.
