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Recompile Coming to Next-Gen Consoles

UK indie developer Phigames and publisher Dear Villagers today revealed, as part of PlayStation Show, that their 3D sci-fi metroidvania-like, Recompile, is heading to PS5 and Xbox Series X.

Recompile features intense combat, tight 3D platforming, super-powered abilities and environmental physics-based hacking mechanics - everything, right down to foes, can be hacked. World obstacles include intelligent enemies and intricate environmental circuitry, and both require the mastery of new abilities such as time dilation and flying with a jetpack.

Recompile currently has no precise release date, but is planned for a 2020 release on Windows, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X

Luke Greenfield

Luke Greenfield

Staff Writer

Just a guy that loves to write :)

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