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How to Get the Frost Stone in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix

How to Get the Frost Stone in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix

  • Where can you get it? Monstro
  • When should you farm it? Whenever

The first time I stumbled upon the Grand Ghost (the Heartless that drops the Frost Stone), I was quite shocked that I couldn't do damage to it, and even more so when, despite the fact that I'd inflicted exactly 0 harm, it ran away. Welcome to the Frost Stone guide, where you will be healing your foe to death.

The Grand Ghost is either the easiest of the bunch or one of the hardest, and that all depends on your left thumb's (or right for mouse and keyboard players — I see you!) dexterity and sifting through the menu. To get the Frost Stone, you'll need to fight against the Grand Ghost, which appears in Monstro: Stomach location, right through the final section where you go through the upper place from Geppeto's Ship and climb your way to the top — where the final boss spawns.

Getting to the boss is easy, as using High Jump will make skipping platforms and Heartless a piece of cake, though right before you even enter the first area, you should prepare for the fight. Stay at Geppeto's Ship (or at least at the entrance of the upper part of Monstro) and stock yourself with the strongest single-target potions you have available (I used Hi-Potions). Once ready, go in, jump to the top, and find the Grand Ghost (with a 100% spawn rate — thank the Light).

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So, how exactly do you harm the Grand Ghost? Magic doesn't work, and melee blows were a bust, so the only other option is pretty clear — evidently, you're going to heal the rascal to death. Get as close as possible to the Grand Ghost, select any of the potions you equipped, and you'll see that the final option says "Ghost". Heal it, and you'll stun it and deal damage, yet, that doesn't mean that you'll be hacking and slashing away from here. Oh no, you'll be healing it.

Again and again.

You need to stock up on as many Hi-Potions as possible, which, if you've been using Lucky Strike and fighting enemies, you'll hopefully have a lot of (I had 72), and from there, you'll need to promptly waste about five of your Hi-Potions to defeat it (the Grand Ghost has 300 HP, and you deal 70 HP per Hi-Potion). That said, however, depending on the type of item you use on the Grand Ghost, you'll get different results.

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Though you could, theoretically, use something like a Megalixir to have a higher chance of getting more Frost Stones, I wouldn't really recommend using anything above a Hi-Potion for this farm. You see, the Grand Ghost guarantees a drop regardless of what you use to kill it, but Hi-Potions are abundant by the end of the game, and they're also far more cost-effective than an Elixir (rare drop chance from Wyvern, Battleship, Defender, Invisible, and Rare Truffle) or Megalixir (mainly acquired through chests or Synthesis Shop).

The strategy is simple: you get as close as you can to the Grand Ghost (the range of healing items is really small when using it offensively) and then hit up twice to get to Items, then hit up once to select the "Ghost" option. Once you do this, if you're quick enough, you can stun lock the boss until it dies, which makes this fight really easy if you are dexterous or frustrating if you struggle to use items.

After killing it, you just leave back to Geppeto's ship, heal and save, replenish your Hi-Potions, and go for rounds two through five.

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Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

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